Sunday, June 30, 2013


When I graduated from college, I moved to New Orleans for a while. I met a woman named Trudy there and she had a great affect on me. She changed my life. I am not convinced she had a good affect all of the time though. I learned of a job in Dallas, and  so I went up there for six months. I ran into a man named John B. Walker, and things got a little out of control. If you want to know what happened next click here.

Thursday, June 27, 2013



Tuesday night was a little angry here. We had four-to-six inches of rain and a lot of lightening. It knocked out the wireless, the cable, fried a television, knocked out my phone, and burned out my air conditioning.

 A couple issues left to fix here, but I am getting close to normal again. The sun is shining right now and the tomato vines are full.

As I type this, I am reminded of a song that Levon Helms use to sing called Hurricane. Click here and listen to it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

D. B. Cooper


It was Thanksgiving morning 1971, and my family was taking a brief vacation near the Lewis River in southwest Washington state. We had a cabin and dad and I were going fishing before mom fixed us a Thanksgiving day dinner. As we drove down a dirt road surrounded by tree's, a thin man with short black hair walked out of a clearing. he was limping and bleeding from scratches on his face.

In the 1970's every young person hitch hiked and I didn't think anything of it when dad pulled over to see if he was alright. When he got close to the car I realized he had a suit on, but it was dirty and torn.

Dad introduced me as Jim, and himself as Bob and the young man said his name was Dan. He was carrying a backpack that he had in his arms, and it was wet and dirty. Dad said we were going fishing, and asked him if we could drop him any where. The man thanked us and said no, and told us to have a good holiday?

When we got back to the cabin, mom told dad and I how a man had hi-jacked a plane and stole $200,000 dollars and parachuted out over Washington somewhere. He called himself D.B. Cooper. Dad looked at me with a smile and never said anything to mom.

This is the first time I have told anyone this story. It has been over forty years now and nobody would ever believe this if I told them. Now I am fifty-two years old and do not care if they believe me or not.

Sunday, June 2, 2013