The most recent addiction I have started with just a few hits, but for me a few is not enough. I need to spend all of my time with my supplier. Last year I hit over 190 days, I find myself buzzing all over for the next hit. To make matters worse there are families that get their fix where I get mine.
Where I get my fix is on grass. No, not the one you are thinking about, I am addicted to golf. I will die a bogey golfer, but I have times when I play close to par. I cannot help it, I have to play every day. I play from April 1st to November 1st almost every day. It is one of my passions and yes one of my addictions.
I love the feeling of hitting a good shot, I love the competition that comes from within myself and others, I love the smell of the fresh mowed grass, watching a friend play the game of their life. Heck, I love the golf course so much that I want part of my ashes spread just west of nine tee box at the Jesup Golf Course, so I can watch over almost the entire course when I pass away.
The only bad part about putting my ashes there, is it is on hole nine, and sometimes guys urinate there because they cannot make it to the club house. I have an answer to this problem though, after they spread my ashes, I want them to put up a sign that reads “Don’t P on G!” That will at least make them think about it before they do it.
Yes I am an addict, I love the look of a drive when it is drawn, I love the angle a sixty degree wedge takes to the pin, I love the sound a cup makes when the ball goes in, and I love trying to make a shot I have never made before.
Do not feel pity for me, or feel sorry for me, I am an addict of golf, and I am Jonesing as I type this.
I don't share your Jonesin' for the links. Typically the game just frustrates the bejeezus out of me. As long as the foursome I am with is concerned with staying "hydrated" I have a good time. Its the guys that constantly tell me to keep my head down, or the people that get so upset just because I dust them off with a errant T-shot.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that this game was thunk up by a bunch of drunken Irishman.
Ha ha you had me going there G. I still laugh at the Don't P on G even though I've heard it a few times.