I sent this email out to System coaches around the country.
“I am looking for the help of all of you folks on the run and gun sight. I
would like all of you to post one word that describes the System. For example I would put the word "Passion”, because it requires the System team to play with an intensity rarely seen in the traditional game.
Unless you want to there is no need to explain your word.
Thank you for your help.”
Here were their responses.
“A lot of words could be used to describe the system... many of the ones used by coaches and sent in are terrific. I thought of a couple more that really explain why I love the system:
"full-speed" "inclusive" "team"
And there's probably a lot more, but the whole idea of being on a "team" and contributing, being involved in at least some way.... that's what run-and-gun is all about!”
Dr. William M. Simmons
“This is the word that I say the most during the game and I feel best exemplifies what we are trying to do on offense and defense.”
Keith Freund
Jon Labeau
Doug Porter
Chris Schultz
“Fun! We have already started open gyms for next year. I have kids coming that have never thought about open gyms at this time of year. I also have seniors coming who will be graduating because they have enjoy it so much more than playing conventional basketball.”
Steve Scholfield
“Avant-garde (that maybe 2)”
“To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other.” -Castaneda
“You can also use the word INTERVAL”
Mr. J. Mario Malaby
“"Relentless" describes the system for me because it is so much about playing the percentages over 40 (or 32) minutes. The concept of continuing to come at people over the full duration of the game is what enables those lightning fast runs to occur -- when the opponent either fatigues or the match ups are just right for our team. It is the substitution concept, of course, that enables this to happen. Along with this players need to understand the BIG PICTURE (playing percentages and not getting conservative) and that it is the RELENTLESS "attacking" on offense, on the O boards and defensively in the full and half court that creates our opportunities for success.”
Gary Smith
“When recruits used to ask about our style of play, my one word response was always -
(meant it as a compliment to our team's effort - but it covered a lot of other things too).”
Ron Rohn
“Have not done it yet but one word I would use is-
Greg Turcott
“2 words-Fast and Furious!”
Nathan McSchooler