Imagine three granddaughters addicted to drugs, what a nightmare. My friend is seventy-two years old, he should not have to fight this battle, but it is a never ending cycle. His grand-daughters grandma had an addiction, their mother and aunt were hooked, and now the men that have taken up with his granddaughters have them hooked.
I argue about this with my friends in law enforcement all the time; we know who makes it, we know who sells it, and we know who buys it, we can win this. We may have to suspend civil liberties, as we deal with it, but it is destroying people’s lives, it is killing parent’s children, it is killing spouses, and it is killing grandchildren. If we are going to win this war we have to fight it like one.
We have to attack the maker first, literally go to the countries that make it, or the farms and the houses that they are made in here in our country and arrest/attack the makers. I understand, there will be casualties. But the collateral damage from these attacks will be limited, and innocent people will be protected.
Will it get nasty in our country? Yes it will. Still, people must understand we are not living in a Utopia. For many people with family and friends who are attics, they are the victims of this chaos that faces us all over our country. If a few houses burn, if a number of people go to internment camps, if the freaks making these chemicals that are ruining families start to disappear without a trace, the life of the rest of the people in our country will get better. I know these are not the liberal words that usually appear on here, but I am tired of watching my family and friends lose loved ones to drugs.
Black Crowes
"She Talks To Angels"
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