Coach Virgil Hovden allowed me to be an assistant for him at Dunkerton High School from 2005-2008. On that team was one of the five most competitive people that I have ever had the opportunity to be around when I coached. Her name was Kayla Waskow. Here I asked Kayla a few questions about basketball and life.
When did you get started playing sports? What sports did you play growing up?
-Sometime in elementary school. T-Ball was my first organized sport so probably around 1st grade or so. I played t-ball/softball, basketball, volleyball in jr high and ran track,
Did you play travel basketball? Who was your coach? Do you have good memories of it?
-I played AAU ball for one summer for IBCA. Coaches were Scott Moenk, Adam Dejoode, and a few others. Had a blast-in the end am very happy I ended up doing it. It is an interesting experience.
When you were younger, were there any high school players you looked up to?
Not particularly, Maybe some of the boys on our high school team including Shane Lienau when I was very young and then Brian Brungard when I was in jr. high.
Did you go to high school games? What games do you remember?
Yes, I went to them occasionally. My oldest brother, Chuck played when I was in late elementary and jr high. When I was in elementary school we went once and a while but not very often. The games that I remember most are boys games and typically involved Dunkerton playing Fredericksburg.
What is your best memory about basketball at Dunkerton High School?
Going to State my senior year-was an awesome experience because it was always a childhood dream of mine. Also when we beat Walnut Ridge at the buzzer in districts my freshman year.
How does religion play a place in your life?
It plays a huge role in my life. I always attended church and sunday school growing up and try to make it to church on a regular basis down here at college. I base many of my decisions off of my values and morals that are Christian based.
What was your most satisfying game in high school? What was your most disappointing game in high school?
Most satisfying was likely our first round win at state my senior year. Also my career high game for points when we beat GMG in a close game at their place.
Most disappointing would be our loss at state
Where did you get the passion you had for basketball?
No particular place. Just always liked watching it-was a big Michael Jordan fan growing up.
What are your thoughts about the system coach Hovden implemented when you were in high school?
I think it’s a great system to get many people involved. It is also a fun way to play basketball because it is so uptempo. The only downfall is that it places less talented people on the floor for about the same amount of time as the more talented players.
Are you active in athletics right now?
-Yes I play bball at Coe College
Do you have any regrets about basketball?
-Nope. Absolutely love it and love where I'm playing at now.
Who are three people you would like to have dinner with?
-It’s weird, I have never really thought of this before.
-Michael Jordan
-Grandparents that died when I was young
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